(12.06.19) I am pleased to inform current and prospective Cloud Components licensees that 2.11.0 was released today and can be downloaded from our download pages.

ceetron cloud components for 3D visualization

The release contains a number of functional enhancements and big fixes, including:

  • US 974 QueryResultMinMax: Added nodeId and nodeIndex of the min/max item for node and element node results.
  • US 973 Navigation cube now uses the bounding box of the visible parts. Added cee.View.getBoundingBoxVisibleParts().
  • US 972 cee.ug: Added computeFromVisibleParts property to CuttingPlane, Isosurface, and Isovolume. Use this option to hide cut/iso/isovol items for the parts that are not visible.

For release notes, see https://ceetron.wpengine.com/3d-visualization-documentation/.

Head S&M